Special frames
Our many years of experience in the development and construction of painting racks is underlined by our close cooperation with your company. Whether optimal positioning of the components, ergonomics of the painting rack or masking over the rack itself are taken into account by our designers during the development process. Design guidelines such as "POKA YOKE" (avoid missing parts) and the idea of value creation are always in the foreground. Through 3D models or team meetings, you can already exert influence during the development of your paint racks. Close and comprehensive design support is particularly important to our developers.
LackierhoPainting racks - secure your lead with quantity!
Our customised painting racks allow you to achieve exact results and perfect painting of your components. We focus on optimum utilisation of the painting window and time-optimised assembly of the racks during the development and design of your painting racks. Whether automotive interior and exterior components, housing covers or decorative frames, we work with you to develop the optimum rack concept.
Racks for powder coating
Our range of services in powder coating includes the development and production of individual rack solutions. Specially adapted system and individual solutions guarantee your company high efficiency and profitability. Whether traverses, profile hangers or variable small parts hangers - we will be happy to develop the optimum solution for your company.
Skid design as a challenge
Whether bumper, radiator grille or LTV - each component must be positioned according to the parameters of the painting system and fixed without tension. We support you in positioning the components in the painting window already during the development and design of your painting racks. In order to keep deviations from the specified parameters as low as possible, our painting racks are manufactured in welding jigs specially developed for the rack. With our modern manufacturing processes, we guarantee the highest technical level in the production of your painting racks. Comprehensive project support, documentation and deadline tracking are part of our service offer, as well as 100% testing of the series racks. We take into account the increasing complexity of the component geometry and the surfaces to be masked as early as the development and design of your painting racks. Close cooperation in the project planning and construction of your painting racks is particularly important to us - we would be happy to visit you on site.

Storage, transport and paint stripping racks
Safe storage and preservation of the value of your painting racks are of particular importance to us. We ensure smooth logistics of the painting process by means of transport units tailored to your company and your paint stripper. Whether directly into the pyrolysis oven (thermal paint stripping) or into the acid bath (chemical paint stripping) - the protection of your paint racks should always come first. Coating racks in the right storage units represent a part of your value chain that should not be underestimated. We would be happy to work with you to develop the optimum solutions for your company.